Live Dream

Live Dream

performance, 2023

Brain(s),when matter becomes mind, Fondation Telefonica, Madrid

Brain(s),when matter becomes mind, Fondation Telefonica, Madrid

The exhibition ‘Brain(s)’ explores how art, science and philosophy have represented this fascinating organ throughout history and takes us into both the anatomy of the brain and everything it generates The human brain is the most complex object we know and the one that scientifically and philosophically provokes the most questions. Why do brains exist? Where does consciousness come from? And creativity? What happens when the mind is ill? Can intelligent machines be created?
Terra Nullius/Nobody’s Land

Terra Nullius/Nobody’s Land

Excavations from Image 3.0Serendipity Arts Festival, Goa, India December 15th ➜ December 23rd 2022 (12pm-12am) Artists: Donatien Aubert, Mustapha Azeroual, Simon Brodbeck & Lucie de Barbuat, Gregory Chatonsky, Justine Emard, Philippe Durand, Noémie Goudal, Hanako Murakami Co-curated by: Pascal Beausse and Rahaab Allana Scenography: Sukanya BaskarInstitutional Partners: Cnap and Jeu de PaumeWith the special support of The Embassy […]
Playing Piano in the raw / Tokyo

Playing Piano in the raw / Tokyo

ATAK 20years anniversary – solo piano concert on Dec 5th Keiichiro Shibuya – Playing Piano In the Raw Dates & Time: Dec 5th, 2022, Open 6:15 PM Start 7:00 PMVenue: Hamarikyu Asahi Hall (Ginza, Tokyo) Starring:Keiichiro Shibuya (Piano)Guest: Ayako Tanaka (Soprano), Shin Sasakubo (Guitar)Video: Justine Emard Organized by ATAKSpecial Cooperation by Mirai Lab Bio Science, TOKYO GINZA […]
Forum ouvert œuvres et recherches – Foor #5

Forum ouvert œuvres et recherches – Foor #5

Anthropocène : la prise de conscience écologique jeudi 24 et vendredi 25 novembre 2022 Depuis bientôt deux siècles, avec l’industrialisation et la démographie galopante, l’humanité détruit notre planète. L’urbanisation, l’agriculture intensive et la déforestation en sont des éléments saillants. Le fil rouge de cette cinquième édition sera la préservation écologique du monde. Au programme, de nombreuses présentations […]