Metamorphosis, Elektra at the Arsenal, Montreal

Metamorphosis, Elektra at the Arsenal, Montreal

« Metamorphosis », Group Show, Arsenal, Montreal, CAN

Protégé : Supraorganism / Dossier

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« Real Feelings, emotion and technology », HeK (House of electronic Arts Basel), Swiss

« Real Feelings, emotion and technology », HeK (House of electronic Arts Basel), Swiss

Emotions are the core of human experience. The international group exhibition Real Feelings explores the rapidly changing relationship between technology and emotions. The works of the 20 artists presented in the exhibition inquire and show how technology today represents, manipulates and changes our emotions. In the 21st century, emotions have increasingly come into focus – […]
Residence at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe

Residence at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe

Justine Emard – Supraorganism September / October 2020 Résidence: 15.09.2020–15.10.2020Présentation: 2021 Supraorganism est une installation réactive de l’artiste Justine Emard, qui sera développée lors d’une résidence au Laboratoire Hertz du ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe à partir de septembre 2020. L’installation consiste en des sculptures de verre robotisées qui sont animées au moyen d’un réseau neuronal artificiel […]