The First Dream / Hatsuyume (Le Rêve Premier)
Triptyque, (50 x 30 cm)
Impression jet d’encre UV (impression StareReap 2.5D) avec cadre acrylique
En collaboration avec le Centre du sommeil et de la vigilance de l’Hôtel-Dieu à Paris
Les rêves génèrent des émotions et situations simulées au plus profond de notre inconscient durant la nuit. Ils constituent un négatif de notre vie diurne et inventent des mécanismes émotionnels autour de nos considérations individuelles ou collectives.
Le processus de cette œuvre est d’imprimer un rêve : d’un esprit humain à une substance physique. En collaboration avec un département neuroscientifique, l’artiste a enregistré les signaux électriques de ses rêves pendant son sommeil. Une impression 2,5D en relief est créée suite à son premier rêve enregistré, en référence à la tradition des Hatsuyume, une pratique japonaise qui se rapproche du rêve lucide.
Imprimée par couches successives d’après l’image spectrale des ondes neuronales, la forme du rêve apparaît, offrant un espace de projection pour l’imagination.
Ce triptyque intègre un ensemble d’œuvres créées par Justine Emard depuis 2018 autour de ses recherches autour du rêve et de son accessibilité au plus profond de notre inconscient.
UV inkjet print (StareReap 2.5D print) with acrylic frame
Dreams generate emotions and situations simulated in the depths of our unconsciousness during the night. They constitute a negative of our daytime life and invent emotional mechanisms around our individual or collective considerations.
The process of this work is to print a dream: from a human mind to a physical substance. In collaboration with a neuroscientific department, the artist recorded the electrical signals of his dreams during his sleep. A 2.5D relief print is created following his first recorded dream, in reference to the tradition of Hatsuyume, a Japanese practice that is similar to the practice of lucid dreams.
Printed in successive layers according to the spectral image of neural waves, the shape of the dream appears, offering a space of projection for the imagination.
This triptych integrates a set of works created by Justine Emard since 2018 around her research around the dream and its accessibility to the deepest part of our unconscious.
Text from the catalogue of the Max Ernst Museum – Brühl – Germany
Is it possible to transfer a dream from the human mind into physical reality? This question provided the impetus for Justine Emard’s work The First Dream – Hatsuyume. To this purpose, the artist had her brain activity recorded in a sleep lab while she slept. The electric signals of the brain were captured in a spectral image that represents the neurological data during the dream in yellow and purple.
On this basis, Emard produced The First Dream – Hatsuyume, which is composed from many individual layers, with the help of a special technology.
The title of the work refers to a Japanese belief, according to which it brings luck to dream of Mount Fuji, a falcon and an eggplant at the New Year. It is left to the viewer to decide which motifs they recognise in Emard’s dream images.

Détails, photographies Atsushi Inamura / Ricoh © Justine Emard / Adagp, Paris 2022

Exhibition view « Surreal Futures » at the Max Ernst Museum, Brühl, Germany