Tokyo review by 室田尚子
Review about the show Android Opera Mirror: here
« そこでは、Justine Emardによる映像が大きな役割を果たしていたことも記しておきたい。舞台後方に設けられたスクリーンには、事前に作り込まれたものと、その場のライヴ映像とを絶妙に融合した映像が投影され続けたが、その映像としての美しさ、そして作品の「意味」をはっきりと示す表象としての質の高さには度肝を抜かれた。近年、オペラの世界でも映像を使うことは当たり前になっているが、はっきり言ってそうした映像が児戯に等しいものと思えるくらいのクオリティだった。 »
« It should also be noted that the video images by Justine Emard played a major role in the performance. On a screen set up at the rear of the stage, images that had been prepared in advance and live images were projected in a perfect fusion, and I was astonished at the beauty of the images and their high quality as representations that clearly showed the « meaning » of the work. In recent years, the use of visual images has become commonplace in the world of opera, but the quality of these images was so high that they seemed like child’s play. »
The Android Opera Mirror in Tokyo had been perform June 18, 2024 at the Ebisu Garden Hall
Keiichiro Shibuya : Super Angel excerpts & Android Opera Mirror
Android Opera Mirror
Concept, composition, piano, electronics: Keiichiro Shibuya
Video: Justine Emard
Vocals: Android Alter 4 / Shomyo: Koyasan Buddhist Chant (Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Taihiro Kashiwabara, Tomonobu Tani, Shoei Kameya) / Orchestra: Android Opera TOKYO Orchestra (Concertmaster Tatsuki Narita) / Android Programming: Shintaro Imai
Photos by Kenji Agata & Kenshu Shintsubo